WHYY Social Media Highlights

In the summer of 2019, I interned on the Social Media team of Philadelphia’s local news station, WHYY. My roles consisted of posting 15-20 articles daily on all social media accounts, creating informational materials that help the newsroom with processes like SEO, traveling to events to cover them for Instagram and more.


Antiques Roadshow Instagram Story

I travelled to Winterthur in Delaware to cover the filming of an Antiques Roadshow episode.


BlackStar Film Festival Instagram Story

I attended the press event for a film festival in Philadelphia that aims to show work from the African diaspora.


Gorilla Habitat at the Philadelphia Zoo Instagram Story

I attended the unveiling of a brand new gorilla habitat at the Philadelphia Zoo.


Schooled Podcast Instagram Story

I publicized the incoming season of WHYY’s Schooled podcast.


Neighborhood Trees Instagram Story

I publicized an article detailing the problems and misconceptions about planting trees in the city.